Physical Address: 5811 Allender Rd. Ste. 102
White Marsh, MD 21162
office (410) 335-4646
fax (410) 335-2613
Mailing Address, Click Here.

BC Gymnastics Chalk Talk
Summer 2016

 Dear Parents and Friends of Baltimore County Gymnastics,

 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For your continued support through these steamy summer months. Please remember to hydrate with appropriate, healthy fluids! Your children deserve a pat on the back for sticking with it even when the heat is on.

As a reminder: please observe classes from inside of the lobby or by the observation windows. Coming into the gym to watch the classes is just like walking onto a soccer field or a baseball diamond during a game. The gym is our “field of play” please help us to keep the children safe by remaining in the above mentioned areas.

  Fit Games:

 NEW! Check out our FIT GAMES class! All elements of fitness plus speed, agility, team work, problem solving and increasing reaction time are just a few skills that we’re working on during class time. The hour consists of games, relays, obstacles and challenges all designed to make your athlete more athletic! It’s the perfect add on to ANY athlete’s sports schedule. Bring us your soccer players, lacrosse players, baseball and softball players. Or schedule something special with us to bring your entire team!

 Last Classes (AKA Parent observation week):

Monday, July 25th                 Thursday, July 28th
Tuesday, July 26th                 Friday, July 29th
Wednesday, July 27th           Saturday, July 30th

 Evaluations & Fall Registration:

 All summer participants, Basics though Advanced will receive informal evaluations beginning the week of July 18th -July 23rd . Tots do not receive evaluations. (This is also the week of drop-in registration)

 Drop-in Registration: July 18th-July 23rd (during any office hours)

All children attending the summer session participate in the drop in registration, regardless of the class day and time you want to attend. That is our thank you for being with us during the sometimes uncomfortable summer days. Simply choose your class, day and time from the Fall 2016 schedule and register with our office staff.

 Pre-registration: (for spring gymnasts that took the summer off)

Monday, July 25th-Saturday July 30th during office hours

 Open registration: Tell a friend!

Friday, August 19th from 7:00pm-9:00pm

 I would like to commend you for your commitment to your child’s physical fitness and thank you for allowing us at BCG to be a part of it all! As always, if you like us, tell others, if you don’t, tell us!


  Ashley - Recreational Gymnastics Director









Check out these programs!

  • Open Gym time is available every Friday night during the session. All current participants and their friends ages 5-and-up are welcome to attend.